Monday, July 25, 2011

Winningggg ;)

So today I went to Lorenzo's Coffee House in downtown Vancouver and auditioned to be one his two performers for his coffee house.  Anyways, he loved me and my voice and everything so I'm going to start playing there!  Right now he has me playing while his other musician is taking breaks on this Friday night and I'm playing Sunday afternoon for a church group that comes in.  Also, another owner of another coffee house is interested in having me play for his place as well so if he likes what he hears on Sunday I might have that job to!  God has definitely blessed me beyond belief.

1 comment:

  1. WOOHOOOOOO! Oh my goodness Spencer thats AWESOME! Wow, I'm soooo happy for you! Praise the Lord. :) <333 Definitely tell me when you're playing there, and I can take some friends and come listen to you! So exciting! :)
